Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Technology in the Classroom

Image borrowed from: http://pinartarhan.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/blogging.jpg

Hey Blog, it's been a while.....

When thinking about technology in the classroom, loads of new ideas come to my mind.  Thankfully I was introduced last semester, in my Advanced Composition course, to the beauty of technology in the classroom and how it can assist in classroom learning.  I love SmartBoards, yet every time I use them it seems as if they don't love me.  The access of a document camera in the classroom in handy for students who have to do a presentation, yet don't have access to a laptop to bring into the classroom.  Although, I am not too fond of the whole disco-light show that goes on when we use the document camera in our Methods classroom.  I love the idea of incorporating blogging into the classroom.  The internet and citizen journalism are slowly dominating our world, and I would love for my future students to be knowledgeable about the progressiveness of the internet. 


  1. First, way to show off with the picture. I'm sort of fond of the document camera; if all you want is to show off something from a book, it'd be nice not to have to transfer it to an overhead sheet or paste it into a PowerPoint slide. Also, if you had to audible during a lesson, you'd still have the ability to display text for all the class to see. I do agree, though, that our particular document camera is less than glowingly functional.

  2. I have to say I was drawn to your fancy picture too. I also love the design and am a bit jealous of your skills.

    I like the idea of a smartboard although I have not seen it in action yet. I love the idea of the doc reader in our classroom too but think the whole focus thing has really kicked our butts. I laughed silently to myself when you mentioned the rainbow disco lights because I thought I was losing my mind and the only one to see it. You have a good point on how this relates to the world at large. I haven't put too much thought on how this is related to the world and the big picture. I guess I'm just a bit short sighted and need to open my eyes a bit.
