Thursday, April 15, 2010

EXTRA EXTRA Read All About It!

 (Picture borrowed from:
For the website Tara and I have decided to focus on print journalism and citizen journalism.  We are not necessarily going to take an exact stance on which one is better, but rather we are going to allow the user to explore both and decide for themselves which one they prefer.  Tech-wise I think we are going to need some help figuring out how to do anything beyond the basic: adding sound or including videos of some sort.  It is going to be an adventure for us and possibly a slight struggle dealing with all this technology halla-baloo, but hopefully we'll be able to experience some hand holding in the process.


  1. I left a similar comment on Tara's blog, and I'm excited to see how you both present the pros and cons of citizen journalism in a hyperlinked site. Good luck. ^^

  2. Julia ~

    I left a comment on tara's blog too. You can read it there, but I want to say that I love the pic you selected!

    ~ Cathy
