Monday, March 1, 2010

From a Lobster Headdress to an Ice Cream Cone Shaped Piece of Pizza....what a night!

Call me old fashion and perhaps a little lazy, but I enjoy my easily accessible technology tools.  I tend to stick to three major tools: Yahoo, Microsoft Word and everyone's favorite....FACEBOOK!  It is so easy to log on to my little white Apple laptop, sign onto Firefox, check out the latest news on the Yahoo homepage and then proceed to open up Facebook and Microsoft Word, only to secretly stalk my friend's newly posted pictures from the party last weekend, in an all out effort to procrastinate my Chaucer essay for as long as possible.  Sure I'll check out the top local news as well the four major stories on the front page, but there is always a part of me that yells "DON'T DO IT!  TURN AWAY FROM THE DARKNESS, DON'T LET IT CONSUME YOU!" For the most part, I resist my internal voices and continue to indulge in such gluttony as an amazing lobster headpiece worn by Lady Gaga.  Fun fact about lobsters in restaurants and especially in those fun-looking lobster tanks every child loves: the moment the lobster enters into the restaurant, the place lets the lobster starve in order for his/her internal track to be clear of any unusual brown substance that may taint the lovely rich white meat beneath the bright red shell upon consumption.  Is it odd to be eating an anorexic lobster? Absolutely.

Although I completely enjoy useless, images, gossip and unnecessary facts, like the one's my boyfriend informs me of that originate from the top of his lunchtime Snapple bottles, I have become bored with the same old same old stuff I see on Yahoo and Facebook.  My new challenge in my English 105 class is to try out a new technology that exists as either an electronic space or electronic tool.  I decided to give Digg a shot.  Never tried it myself and have never heard of it.  A shot in the dark perhaps, but hey it's worth a shot.  On my first gallivant around the site I discovered another completely awesome, yet useless piece of information.  Pizza cones exist!!!!!! Who whould have thunk it?  From my first look at this new writing space/tool I think that it just might in fact become my favorite new place to look at content on the web.  What's next?  Perhaps an article on pizza flavored ice cream?  (Eh, knowing how crazy people are, it has probably already been done.)
(Image taken from TwobyTwobyTwo website)


  1. Julia ~

    I've got an a.b.c response:

    A. My daughter adores both Lady Gaga and Snapple cap facts!

    B. Digg looks pretty interesting - I'm looking forward to learning a lot from your review.

    C. I so want a pizza cone! NYC, here I come!

    ~ Cathy

  2. I actually have no problem eating an anorexic lobster, as I throughly enjoy eating more-than-likely force fed baby cows in Italian food. But that's just me, I'm Mother Nature's carnivorous beast. XD

    I have never really heard of Digg, only mentioned here and there, and would love to know more. I feel lost just checking it out, so I look forward to reading your takes on it.

  3. Julia-

    My internet experience is very silimar to yours: I also log in, check news, facebook, etc. and find ways to keep myself distracted from the assignments I really should be doing! =D

    Digg looks like a very entertaining site. I was quite amused with it when I looked at some of those odd headlines that came up on the homepage when I clicked on the link. Good luck on your review and I'm looking forward to see what you have to share with us.


    P.S. Thanks for sharing that pizza cone story with us! Only a place as crazy as NYC would have those, huh? They look good, but kinda disgusting as well with that greasy cheese!

  4. Hey Julia-- I'm checking out, too! So far, I'm really liking the random information I'm getting. I like how there are both articles and videos, and the information is as random as the thoughts that buzz in and out of my brain. I'm not sure how appropriate most of the postings are for a school setting, but nonetheless, it's great.

  5. Julia, Let me first say that I'm sorry, but I really suck at names. Your last name is a life saver. With that said, I'm really interested in digg. The consensus of what people find interesting is fascinating. You wonder how long it will be before professional diggers bump stuff up. I imagine there are squiggly letter authenticators. I'll be interested to know how much of a time sink you find the experience. -Stephanie
