Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Cleaning My Research Topic

At first when I set out on my journey of trying to find an interesting and not so ordinary topic that will excite me I wanted to focus completely on the authenticity of citizen journalism, but over the weekend I have discovered that my topic is a little difficult to research.  I began my research by using the archives and sources through the online San Jose State Library database.  Since I have used this database may times, I decided to stick with the sites that I know I can depend on for quality information.  A few of the sites I looked into were CQ Researcher, JSTOR, ProQuest and MLA Bibliography.  At first when I started my resarch, I became quite discouraged because no articles immediately came up regarding "citizen journalism."  Instead of becoming completely frustrated with the several different search outcomes I decided that I needed to expand my vocabulary in the search in order to encompass a larger field of online journalism since the phrase "citizen
journalism" is quite new and perhaps non-existent in many
(Image borrowed from:
 of the articles that are a few years old.  I have decided that instead of focusing completely on an already formulated thesis on what I am trying to prove, I need to allow room for flexibility.  So far I have picked six articles that range from blogging to how online journalism is taking over written journalism.  When working on my annotated bibliography I continue to go back and forth between wanting to stick with my intital topic of the authenticity in citizen journalism and how the online world of community journalism is quickly taking over print journalism, since I have been finding more and more articles involving this domination of the new over the old.  Well I am off to read more of my articles for the bib.....

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