Thursday, April 15, 2010

EXTRA EXTRA Read All About It!

 (Picture borrowed from:
For the website Tara and I have decided to focus on print journalism and citizen journalism.  We are not necessarily going to take an exact stance on which one is better, but rather we are going to allow the user to explore both and decide for themselves which one they prefer.  Tech-wise I think we are going to need some help figuring out how to do anything beyond the basic: adding sound or including videos of some sort.  It is going to be an adventure for us and possibly a slight struggle dealing with all this technology halla-baloo, but hopefully we'll be able to experience some hand holding in the process.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Create a Website? "Baxter you know I don't speak Spanish!"

Image from:
Although I feel as if my paper regarding my technological autobiography is strong, I do not think that it will be exciting enough to develop an entire website around.  I feel as if my research paper regarding citizen journalism and the eventual death of print journalism, along with the support from my review of the website will be good arguements and evidence to build my future site around.  Since I believe that both the research paper and my review of the website was very strong and personally interested me, I will have an enjoyable time creating a website around the concept of citizen journalsim.  Although I am still quite unsure about how I will go about actually creating the website, I think that other input regarding the topic will be extremely helpful.  I think that Tara and I might make a strong team together for building this website around the topic of citizen journalism, so hopefully she likes me enough to be my partner in crime :) .  

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Is steam coming out of my ears??

To be honest, I thought that my research paper about citizen journalism was going to be a lot more painful.  At first I was really frustrated with not being able to find articles that were strong enough to support my topic, but thankfully after looking long and hard I was successful.  My biggest frustration with the paper was the amount of sources.  Even though I found more than eight and the eight I included support my paper very nicely, I feel like the paper is too condensed.  I feel like because I tried to properly incorporate all of the sources into ten pages of writing I did not have the space to allot each article with the time and care I really wanted to. 
But on a positive note......there's no paper due tomorrow! YAY!